Divya Chari, MD

Divya Chari, MD

Lecturer of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, Part-time, Harvard Medical School
Investigator, Jenks Vestibular Diagnostic and Physiology Laboratories, Mass Eye and Ear
Dr. Divya Chari

Dr. Divya Chari is a practicing ENT surgeon who graduated from Yale University with a degree in molecular biophysics and biochemistry and earned her medical degree from the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. She subsequently completed residency training in otolaryngology–head and neck surgery at the University of California, San Francisco and completed a fellowship in otology and neurotology at Mass Eye and Ear.

Dr. Chari currently holds a research appointment in the Jenks Vestibular Diagnostic and Physiology Laboratories at Mass Eye and Ear and a clinical appointment at UMass Memorial Medical Center. At UMass, Dr. Chari treats pediatric and adult patients with hearing and balance problems, including cochlear implantation, chronic ear disease, cholesteatoma, otosclerosis, cerebrospinal (CSF) leaks, superior semicircular canal dehiscence, Meniere’s disease and vestibular schwannoma.

Through her research, Dr. Chari aims to improve the diagnostic prediction of vestibular disorders with vestibular perceptual testing and to characterize the long-term cognitive impairment that can occur in vestibulopathic populations. Dr. Chari also studies patient outcomes in vestibular disorders, including vestibular migraine, superior canal dehiscence, Meniere’s disease and peripheral vestibular hypofunction.

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